It was while in a small Hindu refugee colony near Jodhpur that I understood how building of Ram Mandir has impacted Hindu refugees who have run away from Pakistan being persecuted because of their …
Why the Furore Around ‘Kashmir Files’ hides a Deafening Silence?
One of the strange things that one observes along with the turmoil created by The Kashmir Files is near total silence from the perpetrators of the mass violence described in the movie. What is …
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The Power of Shame and Mocking
Why did the Chief Minister of a State mock, humiliate a film that described the trauma of an entire community? As a Kashmiri Hindu told me he is feeling deeply disturbed after seeing that on …
What the murder of Ajay Pandita teaches us – written as a tribute to his tragic death
A Kashmiri Hindu and an old friend called me up a few days ago. We discussed the COVID19 scenario, the political situation created by Chinese incursion and then he asked me about the murder of Ajay …