The White man wrote history with the help of his texts. The rest of the world, many of whom he enslaved and whose history he tried to erase, have tried to build it around sacred symbols, sometimes as …
A Healing and Reconciliation Narrative After the Gujarat Riots
It was a phone call from National Human Rights Commission one afternoon in March 2002. “Would your organization be interested in providing trauma counselling and therapy to children and adolescents in …
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Why the mindset of our people needs to change…now!
"This will surely put him in the dock. He will have a lot of explaining to do.” The glee in my friend’s voice, a professor was apparent while talking about the second wave of Covid19 facing us. She …
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Why the French are angry?
I have several French friends. They are philosophers and psychologists who live and work in France. They are acutely aware of the crisis facing their society and when the psychologists listen to the …
What Did A World Famous Psychologist Say After His Visit To India?
Last week I phoned my friends around the world and talked about the COVID19 crisis. They are professionals in my field who I have known for years. We often share our joys and sorrows over the …
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